Bengto Lunch

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One Comment

  1. La’Shay says:

    Great Lunches! These are super cute and i love the lunch boxes. Do they have an affiliate proGram so you can add a link? You did a great job promoting them! My son is mostly vegan with a very minimal amouny of dairy only when we are in a binD, so it is super Challenging sometimes abd i can only imagine when he gets in school. He is 2 and eats like he is 5! We do a lot of vegan grIlled cheese, cucumbers, pb&J, hummus and crackers, pretzels, sweet potatoes, smootHies to get green leafy vegGies in, sweet peas, flax milk or coconut milk yogurt, fruit, olives, dried cranberries, nuts, and french fries when we are being bad LOL! I usually jist combine all types of stuff like a little buffet meal. It is DEFINITELY a work in progress.

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