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  1. Thank you for this post. I am a white woman but I have 2 black step children and 2 mixed kids of my own. Especially with things more recently I am so scared and heartbroken about what my kids will experience, and it’s hard because I can’t 100% relate. One of my kids last year in kindergarten said he wished his skin was whiter, another day he came home and said white people are mean. It broke my heart. All I could do was let him know that the color of his skin was perfect and that god spent time on making him exactly the way he is. And I had to tell him that yes, some white people can be mean and that I was sorry. I let him know that I love him and that he is wonderful. I hope its enough. Thankfully, they all have their daddy who can relate and explain things to them a bit better. But I really trying to be educated on how to handle these situations and what to say to my kids.

    1. Oh, momma. I am so so sorry to hear your baby boy is going through something so hurtful so early. My daughter had similar experiences in Kindergarten, where two white girls told her her hair was too curly, nappy, and ugly for her to be pretty. :(. But as you said, letting them know they are beautiful and God made them special is a great start. I try to instill these same beliefs in my children daily. As a mixed mom, I can remember the days of my childhood where I felt like I never truly fit in. I was never white enough or black enough. It was hard, especially since as humans all we really want is to fit in and know our identity. Having a deep-rooted faith in God and knowing your identity comes from him only truly helps. Again, I am so sorry you and your son are experiencing this. Please feel free to email or DM me on Instagram if you ever want to chat.

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